Monday, June 28, 2010
This week
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Moving on...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Adelaide Bound
Popped into the health food shop because Elliot's stomach has gone pear shaped again, 2 weeks of study leave basically meant he was sat on his arse, eating rubbish and doing nothing. She said he was basically heading for bowel cancer which was not what I needed to hear, although i know in my heart it's on the cards if we can't sort it out. Came out with some psylium husk pro biotic powder which he has to have twice a day. Explained it all to him when he got home and he was quite compliant which amazed me, hopefully it will continue and we can nail this darned thing.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Skipping and hooping along
William asked us to get him a skipping rope so he get get fitter and can kick ass at th e upcoming squash tournament (and hopefully shed a few kilos in the process). The whole family is now obsessed with skipping, Elliot is pretty bad, he claims he has never tried to skip before - yeah right - Oscar has taken to it like a pro and William of course has thrown his whole self into it and is trying to do fancy tricks. They can't walk past a skipping rope without having a little go. On another energetic note, I had been reading the live wildly walk lighty blog and became engrossed in Sara and her hooping! So I despatched Lee and Oscar to the shops to get one. For Oscar of course!!!! Anyway I am totally bad, I'm sure I used to be able to hoop when I was a kid - I blame the hoop, think I need an adult one. I will keep trying though.
Continung on an energetic note, I have been following this blog and was well impressed by the hooping and all it represented. So I despatched Lee and Oscar off to the shops to get one, for Oscar of course. BUT I totally suck :( I'm sure I used to be able to do this when I was a kid. I blame the hoop (of course), I reckon I need an adult one. Anyway I shall persevere! I hope this post works as I have been messing around for about 90 mins trying to post this entry and I'm over it!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Braces off!!
Had lunch with Belinda from school, Leanne and another mum from Dannys class who has recently arrived from South Africa. She filled us in on the real horrors of living there, not a nice place to be, so sad that it is down to people making it that way. $10 pizzas and a bottle of red - was a lovely way to kill a couple of hours before school pick up time.
Yoga was lovely today, I really do relish the sessions :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
New additions
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Credit fraud?? Moi???
Well the day started off in the usual manic hurry up Oscar way, forgot to put the bin out - why did they have to change the day? It was Friday for years and now it's a freaking Wednesday- what good is that to someone who forgets all the time??
Dropped Oscar at school and went off to my yoga class. Yes I have finally managed to start, this is my 4th week and I'm enjoying it very much. Marg, the lasy from Greenwood Yoga who runs the class is excellent, she is older and has such a great voice, very soothing. I wasn't very soothed when she told us to try salute to the sun on our own though, I kept losing my place :(.
After Yoga I went across to the market to stock up on pleny fruit and veg to try and keep my kids healthy and Willia slim. Shock horror my credit card was declined. This has never happened before and the lady said it had expired (06/10), I thought it expired at the end of the month but hey ho. Transpired after 18mins and 37 secs on the phone to NAB that the Fraud team had put a block on it as I did a transaction with UK (Wills squash shoes) which they thought might be dodgy, all good now though.
Went to the post office to get Oscar and Elliots passports sorted (second trip) so that is all done now - huge sigh of relief and nearly $750 later. Oscie had swimming lessons so I took the opportunity to look through a mince recipe book from the library = yum - heaps of great looking nosh with all kinds of mince.
Chris was "supposed" to be coming round so the kids could have a play but another one of Lees great organisational disasters - he didn't. Lee and Elliot headed off to squash, at least Elliot will get some excercise after slobbing around all day.
Am bidding on a candle making kit on ebay, fingers crossed. Have always fancied having a go at making them, I use so darned many so I may save some money and they will be good as pressies if I manage to do it properly.
Lee at the City to Surf half marathon last year (just experimenting moving photos around)
Casualty night tonight, last day off, back to work tomorrow..