my friend Liz and I go on a series of "adventures". Today we headed off in Ozzil to the Balcatta tip and had such fun rumaging though a plethora of treasures. There was even a coffin there for god's sake. One of those made out of fibreboard - of course it has to be environmentally friendly. We were too nervous to take a peep inside but I wish we had!
I ended up with a hockey stick (so we can play with Oscar), Army wellies for my little man, a Christmas decco, and a light fitting to replace the one I broke in the dining area. $10 which is quite expensive really, would have been $5 max at Tamala Park.
After that excitement we headed off to Leederville for coffee in a funky cafe called Greens, had a lovely chicken and avocado toasted sarnie and the smallest coffee I have ever seen!
In the evening Lee and I went to the ballet, yes that is correct, the ballet. I have always wanted to see a ballet and it was on my bucket list (in fact the only thing on my bucket list). Hartac are sponsors of the dancer Darryl Brandon so we got free tickets (result). It was a modern production called Helix which has to do with the DNA structure. He is a fantastic dancer. Lee managed to stay awake and enjoy it so I was very impressed.
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