Today was the annual lap-a-
thon at my sons' school. This year we used the sporting theme to jazz things up a bit and the kids were to come dressed in
their favourite sporting gear to run the 20 laps of the oval. As a P&C member are we were to be selling pies and sausage rolls to raise much needed dosh for the school. Bit of a disaster really, we had 2 pie warmers which kept blowing the power, time was ticking on and it looked like we'd be serving cold pies. In the end we had to microwave them and keep them warm in one pie warmer at the oval and the other in the canteen. As usual there weren't that many parents turn up to buy our lovely fare so we were left with an excess. I had to leave before the end so not sure who ended up with 75 pies and sausage rolls for tea! There was also a scary moment when a huge swarm of bees congregated behind one of the classrooms and then started to make their way towards us. Luckily something distracted them and they dissapeared. Phew. The rain stayed off and the kids seemed to have fun, we handed out spot prizes to those in their sporting gear and another lap-a-thon was over!
Had work at the hospital after 8 days off, yuk - but it was an okay shift. Kathy my favourite nurse was working in obs so that was nice.
Didn't achieve anything in the house or garden but there is always tomorrow...