Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Isn't facebook fab??

I never used to think so, I thought it was stupid, people posting tosh like what they had for tea that day of what grand thing they were up to. Now I have warmed to's great for looking at peoples photos, people who's photos you would never normally see. Maye it's just because I am a nosey so and so. I have got in touch recently with some people I used to go to school with. I wouldn't call them school friends, more just casual acquaintances. One girl in particular has touched me, Annie Leighton. She was a beautiful mystery at school, wise and mature beyond her years. Anyway she is now living the life I dream of. 5 acres of nothing that they are slowly creating into their home. They are in northeast Scotland and have dubbed it Coldhome. Very apt. if we were every lucky enough to have such a project maybe we could call it hothouse, as that is surely what it would be. She is surrounded by an extended family of artists and musicians and they are in the midst of building a straw bale timber frame house. By the sounds of things she has had her fair share of heartache but I am looking forward to getting to know her better and learning more from her.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Home and is it all forgotton?

Home sweeet home, but not as sweet as I thought it would be. Our house seems huge, sparse and impersonal after the cosy and cluttered homes of England.....will have to work on making more mess and more clutter!

Trip back was fine apart from the descent into Perth where the pilot seemed to oversteer and then understeer to compensate, the plane did a few pretty full on tilts and then thankfully settled down, all good.....

Lee ended up with jetlag and a dodgy stomach having to take 2 days off work. 2 days in 8 years not bad I suppose. I was back to work Monday and Tuesday and it was all okay. Kids pretty shattered and sleeping patterns a bit all over the place but settling down. School will soon sort that one out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We are in the wet UK

We have been here for 2 weeks now, such a huge mixture of emotions. I spent the first few days in tears - sheer exhaustion due to the 3 days it actually took to get here, the lack of living accomodation and the revisiting of rellies. Thankfully I have settled down a bit and am starting to relax and enjoy it. It's weird, it feels as though I have never left, driving around the city feels the same, not much ahs changed.