Well, they were nice, they know William, they have received the Will Death Stare many times. They find my little chubba chops arrogant and cocky, oh dear methinks we have built him up a bit too much. We are trying to address it though and hopefully he realises he is being a complete twit and will snap out of it.
Liz had her ingrowing toe op so picked he up from the docs and ferried her back home, I picked up coffee and cake froma maccas so we demolished that and then I left her and her manky toe to suffer.
Made my first candle, it is for Nikki and have made an Opium smelling one, althought it doesn't smell much like my Opium. It was fun though and very easy, I used soy wax which is more friendly than the other wax (apparently).
Didn't go to yoga this week, looks like I'm going to miss this term out, it's too much of a rush on Wednesdays, papers to deliver still and ironing too, hey ho. I will have to do some at home. Got a couple of new books for Elliot and he cleaned his room and sorted out all his DVDs and books in order to get one!! The other has been put away for the next time he needs to blitz his room.
Watched Bran Nue Dae, the movie with Amanda Kombi in it, it was a lovely film and Elsie look AWESOME. I loved the interior decor on her. Paint job was not too shabby either.
Got a fantastic little luggage case thing from salvos for $6 and a pair of Sportsgirl jeans for $9. I have a pair that I paid $90 for so I am wellll happy. Hopefully I can pick up some more luggage and have enough for all of us for our trip which is getting closer and closer......
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
A few fun days
Had a lovely giggly girly couple of days now the kids are back to school (huge roar). Spent the day with Lynn and little Orlanda at a play place and caught up on the holiday goss and dramas, shared grey hair covering tips, face cream wisdom and general putting the world to rights.
Also had lunch with Liz another day and then headed for the garden centre to do our famous Buddha shopping. I thought this would be a good opportunity to get my new camera out so there we were in the shop posing and snapping away like a couple of maniacs with tears running down our faces. I hadn't laughed so much in ages. It was good, good, good.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
another plot losing day
A last the rain has stopped!! Had a mental angry morning, not being able to snap out of the "almost back at work so I'm ferral routine", yelled at everyone, the kids, the man on the other end of the phone at the visa place! Well, why do they have to charge me interest on interest on interest....
Took Elliot to get his bottom set of retainers and Will to do some of his paper round. After that we headed off to squash (what a surprise) and got some petrol on the way - now the petrol gauge is play up. That's 3 things, no more OK!
Did the fruit and veggie shop then we all went to the beach and had come chippies, it was nice, they played and had fun, I was calm and happy.
Lee got a speeding ticket, not happy, we argued about how fast he was going, angry angry - went to get some paint for the gate to calm down. I did.
Lee doesn't like the paint HE chose, now he wants it black, I think it will be fine. Oscar played with Jake and had fun, Elliot went training with the Rugby boys, it's all coming good.
Lee and Elliot went off to Squash and I sat down and tried to make out a new budget.
Intended to dye my hair and put another dread it but have a headache so will just do this and settle down with "casualty". I am so easily pleased.
Read a bit of Boho girls http://bohophotography.blogspot.com/blog, she is such an inspiration and gorgeous
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Movie time
William and I went to see Eclipse whilst Elliot looked after Oscar, we had subway instead of spending $$$ on cinema junk food. Movie was great, much better than the other 2, We also took Oscar to see Karate Kid, he has never been to the cinema before and although I really wanted to see Toy Story 3, he was adamant he didn't. So we all settled on Karate Kid and to be blunt Oscar was a total pain in the arse, literally - I think he might have worms. He was wriggling and fidgeting non stop, kept saying his pants were stuck in his bum. He kept saying he wanted to go home and didn't like the movie. The final fight scene came, the movie finished and he declared it "awesome"
The tooth fairies have been = Wahhhhhh
Oscar has lost his first tooth, thanks to a little bit of help from Williams elbow! I was quite tearful, another sign of my baby groing up. He was very excited when it finally came out and he could eat properly again. "Going to get Hungry Jacks" he proudly declared which made us all laugh. We bought a small "tooth box" when we were at Tree of Life recently so he was all prepared. Come bedtime the tooth in question was no longer under his pillow so stories of tooth fairies being good finders or maybe already having been to collect the tooth and come back later were put in place quickly. He was happy with that and quickly settled down to a fairy and gnome filled sleep, $5 richer the next morning. Don't you just love moments like this, they are truly to be cherished.
Friday, July 9, 2010
school holidays
Will be spent mostly taking the kids to squash. William is on a mission and wants to train every day. I am even considering have a go. Prices have gone up so suggested to Dean the guy who owns the club that we should get family discount. He pointed out that not ALL the family play. ha ha.
Got my new uniform at work which made be happy happy. Will be glad not to have to wear the dirty white shirts that never look clean.
Car wouldn't start, grrrrrr - got the RAC out and it's the fuel pump. The tow truck came to take it to Neils (again). So Klaus has stepped up to the daily driver. Shame about the weather - it has been peeing it down, thunder and lightening. Klaus doesn't like rain!!
Off to see Eclipse with William today, should be good. Elliot went in Gero with the rest of the squash mob.
Made some brownies which were a huge DISASTER! Why does everything I bake burn on the bottom. I blame the oven, of course.
Got my new uniform at work which made be happy happy. Will be glad not to have to wear the dirty white shirts that never look clean.
Car wouldn't start, grrrrrr - got the RAC out and it's the fuel pump. The tow truck came to take it to Neils (again). So Klaus has stepped up to the daily driver. Shame about the weather - it has been peeing it down, thunder and lightening. Klaus doesn't like rain!!
Off to see Eclipse with William today, should be good. Elliot went in Gero with the rest of the squash mob.
Made some brownies which were a huge DISASTER! Why does everything I bake burn on the bottom. I blame the oven, of course.
Gero here we come
Well, the wagon decides to start overheating a few days before we are due to travel 400kms for the squash championships. Neil our trusty mechanic replaced the thermostat and radiator cap which seemed to so the trick although running warmer than it did before. Neil thinks it's ok so that's fine by me.
So off we go, Gero bound. Set out at 9am with the usual frantic stresses (mainly by me) but since I am the one that has to get everything ready then that it understandable. William came home from school poorly sick, headache, shivering etc - real bad man cold which is a disaster a day before the tournament. 10 mins up the road I realise I have forgotten heaps of things but never mind.... take multiple wrong turnings, why are the maps always the wrong way round?? lol. Stopped off at Dongra for a toilet stop and filling of bellies.
So off we go, Gero bound. Set out at 9am with the usual frantic stresses (mainly by me) but since I am the one that has to get everything ready then that it understandable. William came home from school poorly sick, headache, shivering etc - real bad man cold which is a disaster a day before the tournament. 10 mins up the road I realise I have forgotten heaps of things but never mind.... take multiple wrong turnings, why are the maps always the wrong way round?? lol. Stopped off at Dongra for a toilet stop and filling of bellies.
Arrive in Gero 5 hours later. Cabin is okay, small but everything we need except a toilet of course!! We decide to go and find the squash courts so we know where we are heading in the morning. I ask the lady at the camp site if she knows where it is and she gives me directions .......to a derelict squash courts!! Oh Crap. Drive around a bit and stop at the swimming pool to ask, turns out its around the corner. All the sports facilities are together, it's fantastic. Footy, basketball, netball, badminton, soccer, bowls, tennis, swimming, squash, hockey, skate park - could there be anything else to add??
Back to the cabin for tea, an early nights and to dose William up with drugs. Elliot stayed at Matts.
Geraldton is a lovely place, we were very impressed, small enough but big enough if you know what I mean, shame it's so far away from everything else. Oscar was quite happy playing on the park by the beach for ages. We went to the museum where he did a treasure trail game and we also went to Oakabell
a which is the most haunted place in WA.
Back to the cabin for tea, an early nights and to dose William up with drugs. Elliot stayed at Matts.
Geraldton is a lovely place, we were very impressed, small enough but big enough if you know what I mean, shame it's so far away from everything else. Oscar was quite happy playing on the park by the beach for ages. We went to the museum where he did a treasure trail game and we also went to Oakabell
Down to the nitty gritty of the results, William won the 11's singles and team 11's. Northern Nicks came second overall. Elliot won plate in the 17's which he was chuffed with. William came 4th in the 13's. We think if he had been in full health he may have done better, Damen whacked him on the head during their came with his Raquel which floored him and that didn't do much for his headache either. Sue Hiller gave Will a talking to about his attitude (bad) and then Mike Cornish took Lee to one side and reinforced this saying that if no-one liked Will then he wouldn't get into the team regardless of how good he is. I felt really really bad about this, we are crap parents. Vowed that things would change, and we are picking them up constantly on their attitude and lack of respect for adults.
Time to head home and it took 4 hours, nice to be back but it was nice being away too. All the animals are fine :)
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