Friday, January 14, 2011

Moan moan moan - all about paint.

Why is it that mountains are built out of molehills, why does one comment fester and decay until you (well, I) am ready to pack my bags or more precise pack his bags and kick him into touch. Why when I feel like this can I see only his bad points, and believe me there are many of them, and none of his good points. Does he have any good points? Not at the moment he doesn't. Why is it always me that has to turn around and make the situation okay.....all because he said I should get my paintbrush out and paint the doors..and my response of "I don't like doing it so I'm not going to" launched him into one of his 'he is great and does everything rants'.

AND.....the neighbours were partying till about 3am this morning so I ended up sleeping on the settee....

happy days.

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